Office Mail Address:
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Mechanics
Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Graduate and undergraduate research opportunities: I am always looking for capable and highly motivated students (undergraduate and graduate) with backgrounds and interests in math, engineering, finite element method, and informatics to join my research program. Please contact me to discuss current opportunities.
OOFEM course for Ph.D. students, engineers interested in simulation and researchers to allow them to quickly acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary to employ OOFEM. More details here.
Check the link to OOFEM gallery illustrating some of my results.
OOFEM | I have been developing this free, object-oriented, multiphysics, parallel finite element code since 1997. Visit its homepage at or check out its features. OOFEM is released under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). |
MuPIF | Multi-Physics Integration Framework (MuPIF) is an open source distributed integration framework, that will facilitate the implementation of multi-physic and multi-level simulations, built from independently developed components. The design supports various coupling strategies, discretization techniques, and also the distributed applications. License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). |
EduBeam | Educational project with the aim to develop simple and easy to use code for structural analysis of beam structures. The main goal is to provide a platform for students to extend. Students can utilize their knowledge, learn simple and efficient programming in Python, and contribute to this project. EduBeam is released under GNU General Public License (GPL). |
PointCloud2BIM | The PointCloud2BIM library provides a set of algorithms to facilitate atomated processing of 3D Laser scans of buildings (Point Clouds) and identification of fundamental entities, such as floors, rooms, walls and openings. |
You can check my github profile for a record of my open source contributions.