prof. Ing. Jiří Němeček,
Ph.D., DSc.
full professor
head of
CE-SEM and
CE-Nano lab

- I am a university professor, teacher, students'
supervisor and researcher.
- I am a Fulbrighter and
Fulbright ambassador at my home university CTU.
- I am head of CE-SEM and Nano labs at CTU Prague, Civil Engineering
Faculty (Cemhub).
- I am an active member of professional
organizations, I organized several international conferences (Local
Mechanical properties), served as
conference proceedings editor and invited editor of a book. I am a member
of journal editorial boards. I was invited to give speeches at several
international conferences and renowned universities. I was PI of several
research grants. I am an author of
over 50 impacted international journal papers.
2019 DSc.
(Research Professor), Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Praha, Czech
2000 Ph.D.
Czech Technical University in Prague, Civil Engineering Faculty, Ph.D. in
Structures and Transportation Engineering.
1997 Ing. (MSc.) Czech Technical University in Prague, Civil Engineering
Faculty, Civil Engineering (study branch: Concrete Bridges; graduated with
distinction in January 1997).
2021 Professor
(Theory of Building Structures and Materials), Czech Technical University in
2019 DSc. (Research Professor), Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
Praha, Czech Republic
2010 Associate Professor (docent) Czech Technical University in Prague,
Civil Engineering Faculty, branch Theory of civil structures and materials
2010 – 2021 Associate Professor, Czech Technical University in Prague.
2016/2017 Adjunct Professor, 8 months, University of Colorado at
2013/2014 Fulbright-Masaryk scholarship. 7 months, University of
Colorado (Prof. Y. Xi)
2000 – 2009 Assistant Professor, Czech Technical University in Prague
1996, 1999 Structural engineer (concrete bridges), Pontex Prague,
Ltd. and Sudop Prague.
Awards and achievements
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- 132SM01 - Structural Mechanics 1
(undergraduate course, in Czech)
- 132SM02 - Structural Mechanics 2
(undergraduate course, in Czech)
- Elastic and Inelastic Analysis of Heterogeneous Materials (graduate
and postgraduate course, in English)
- Theory of Strength and Elasticity 10 (undergraduate course, in Czech)
- Theory of Strength and Elasticity 20 (undergraduate course, in Czech)
- Structural mechanics 40 (undergraduate course, in Czech)
Topics for diploma projects and dissertations
I am available as advisor of diploma projects and dissertations. Topics
are based on my expertise, research and grants.
My PhD students
Current students:
Students who defended Ph.D. under my supervision or co-advisory:
- Ing. Kateřina Forstová (Ph.D. at CTU, 2008, supervisor): Characterization and reconstruction of microstructure of cement based
- Ing. Vlastrimil Králík (Ph.D. at CTU, 2015, supervisor):
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Aluminium Foams by
Nanoindentation and Multi-scale Modeling
- Ing. Ivan Jandejsek (Ph.D. at CTU, 2015, supervisor): Complex
Experimental-Numerical Evaluation of Material Mechanical Behavior
- Ing. Alexey Manaenkov (Ph.D. at CTU 2020, co-advisor): Geopolymer
based composite as a new material in underground building industry
- Ing. Jiří Rymeš (Ph.D. at Nagoya University and CTU, co -advisor)
- Ing. Jiří Němeček (Ph.D. at CTU 2021, supervisor): Micro-Scale
Fracture Properties of Cementitious Composites
- Ing. Vojtěch Zacharda (PhD. at CTU 2022, co-advisor): Effect of
concrete composition and movement of formwork on horizontal pressures on
the formwork
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Research & grants
General research interests
My primary research interests are in materials characterization (mainly cementitious composites, fly-ash, FRC, HPC, novel
metallic structures) using advanced experimental techniques, related
microstructure description, multi-scale modeling and applications of novel
nano/micro-scale materials and modifications to increase structural
integrity and durability. Since 1999, I participated in
several grant projects as PI or co-PI sponsored mainly by the Czech Science
Foundation (CSF), and Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture of the
Czech Republic.
Currently working on
Nanomechanics, nanoindentation, nanoparticle treatments to structural materials,
electromigration, chloride transport and resistance, rheology of fresh
concrete, formwork pressures.
- GA 23-05435S Czech Science Foundation (CSF) “Microstructural
investigation and simulation of coupled physical fields in concrete due
to electromigration treatments”, 2021-2024, PI, 10.2 M CZK
- TACR Trend FW01010521 Czech Technology Agency "
Microstructural modification of self-compacting concretes for formwork
pressures reduction ", 2020-2023, co-PI, 17.4 M CZK.
- GA 21-11965S Czech Science Foundation (CSF) Nanomechanical
performance of cementitious composites under radiation impact and
variable environmental actions, 2023-2025, PI, 8.5M CZK
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My ResearcherID: M-4933-2015
My ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3565-8182
My SCOPUS Author ID: 57207798672
Scholar profile
publications in CTU database.
Selected publications
- Němeček, J.; Lukeš, J.; Němeček, J. (2020)
High-speed mechanical mapping of blended cement pastes and its comparison
with standard modes of nanoindentation. Materials Today Communications
- Němeček, J.; Maňák, J.; Němeček, J.; Krejčí, T. (2019).
Effect of vacuum and Focused Ion Beam generated heat on fracture properties
of hydrated cement paste, Cem Concr Comp 100, 139-149.
- Němeček, J.; Kruis, J.; Koudelka, T.; Krejčí, T. (2018). Simulation
of chloride migration in reinforced concrete. Applied Mathematics and
Computation 319, 575-585.
- Němeček, J.; Li, L.; Xi, Y. (2017).
Electrokinetic nanoparticle injection for remediating leaks in oil well
cement, Construction and Building Materials 156, 63-72.
- Němeček, J.; Králík, V.; Šmilauer, V.; et al. (2016).
Tensile strength of hydrated cement paste phases assessed by micro-bending
tests and nanoindentation , Cem Concr Comp 73, 164-173.
- Nežerka, V., Němeček, J. et al. (2015).
Investigation of crushed brick-matrix interface in lime-based ancient mortar
by microscopy and nanoindentation, Cem Concr Comp 55, 122-128.
- Němeček, J., Králík, V., Vondřejc, J. (2013). Micromechanical analysis
of heterogeneous structural materials, Cem Concr Comp 36, 85-92.
- Němeček, J., Šmilauer, V. and Kopecký, L. (2011).
Nanoindentation Characteristics of Alkali-activated Aluminosilicate
Materials, Cem Concr Comp 33 (2), 163-170.
- Šmilauer, V., Hlaváček, P., Škvára, F., Šulc, R., Kopecký, L., et al.
(2011). Micromechanical multiscale model for alkali activation of fly ash
and metakaolin, J Mat Sci, 46 (20), 6545-6555.
Nemecek, J., (2009)
Creep effects in nanoindentation of hydrated phases of cement pastes ,
Materials Characterization 60(9), 1028-1034.
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Links and software
FEM software
Cement, hydration
and concrete
Image analysis, AFM and DIC
- Image analýza- plochy fází, analýza tvarů
objektů, ad. - software ImageJ
|| Doplněk pro goniometrii a contact angle plugin "Drop
- Software pro AFM a další
Beckman Institute, Caltech
Ncorr Matlab
software pro DIC a nástavba
V. Nežerky
- Software pro rozeznávání struktur na
mikroúrovni materiálu "Microstructure pattern recognition tool",
Autoři: Ondřej Rokoš,
Vlastimil Králík | Vývoj tohoto programu byl podpořen projektem
GAČR P105/12/0824.
Manuál (pdf) |
Soubory ke stažení (zip)
- Program Faze (autor Ing. K. Forstová)
pro oddělení tří nebo pěti fází podle intenzity RGB.
Windows executable files:
Faze5. Sorry, no manual available, just
- Software k výpočtu efektivních vlastností kompozitu z nanoindentace (Python)
Autor: Jaroslav Vondřejc
verze 01 |
Manuál (pdf) |
Program (zip)
verze 02 -aktualní (release 1.1.2012) |
Manuál (pdf) |
Program (zip) |
Řeší elastickou a visko-elastickou homogenizaci pomocí FFT metody
(efektivní elastická matice tuhosti materiálu; efektivní visko-elastické konstanty Burgersova (4-parametrického) modelu),
počítá analytické odhady (Mori-Tanaka, self-consistent; Voigh and Reuss bounds, ad.) pro sférické inkluze.
Vývoj tohoto programu byl podpořen projektem
GAČR P103/09/1748.
- Software k vyhodnocení
experimentálních dat z nanoindentace
(probability density function and deconvolution), Autor:
Jiří Němeček
exp2pdf10 |
Probability density function 1.0 |
released Feb 17, 2010 |
The program produces pointwise probability
density function (PDF) from the list of point measurements in the form of the
histogram. |
exp2pdf21 |
Probability density function 2.1 |
released Feb 26, 2010 |
The second generation of the program exp2pdf that produces pointwise probability
density function (PDF) from the list of point measurements in the form of the
histogram. Some new features added as compared to 1.0 version. |
decon |
Deconvolution algorithm 3.0 |
released Feb 23, 2010 |
The program extracts M individual Gauss
distributions from the experimentally measured PDF from all phases. |
- Software for Mechanical Characterization and
Optimization of Arbitrary Surfaces
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Last updated: 29.3.2023